Tuesday 15 January 2013


I have officially started the official Chameleonetta comic! I've found a happy medium between drawing with my tablet and still drawing in real life. I sketch the general outlines of the drawing on paper, scan it into the computer, then colour it in with my tablet! This makes sure that the drawing keeps its original good shape (as I'm not to good at outlining smoothly on my tablet) and it gets a lick of fresh, awesome colour to make it look beautiful.
And now, on topic of the comic. Although I don't have a finished product to show you yet, I've started the first page of the comic and it should be done by tomorrow :) I'll upload a page a day if I can, but I'm not making any promises. This might have to turn into the official website for the Chameleonetta comic book, eh?
Peace out guys, I'll keep you updated.

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